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Guidelines for posting comments

Your comments and ratings are a vital part of our community and a great way to share your thoughts, opinions, and respectful discussion with other members, directors, models, and employees about our websites, models, and content. They help other members identify the most popular shoots in our sites, and also help our directors improve the quality of the content they produce. Your comments are greatly appreciated, regardless of whether or not we agree with them.

While we allow some leeway in what is considered acceptable, crossing certain boundaries may result in your posting being deleted and in extreme cases, having your account suspended or banned. This includes (but isn't limited to) posts that...

  1. use excessive profanity
  2. contain racist or homophobic remarks
  3. are offensive to models, riggers, directors or other users of the site, without offering some form of constructive criticism
  4. unnecessarily repetitive or unintelligible
  5. are substantially written in capital letters or use hard-to-read formatting
  6. resemble "spam" or just advertise an off-topic product/organization
  7. include any content (text, images or videos) that clearly violate's shooting rules
  8. infringe on copyrighted material, or that could result in infringement of any third party intellectual property, privacy or publicity rights
  9. impersonate an employee of, a model, performer, rigger, or any other member of the community
  10. are posted from an account that doesn't belong to you
  11. offer or solicit sale of items to or from users of the site other than products offered by or through
  12. attach or link to stuff with viruses or harmful software or websites
  13. "phish" for other member's personal information including identity, credit cards, etc.

We fully encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions with us - but please, keep it fair and respectful! And remember: our models and directors will most likely read your comments, so if you wouldn't say something directly to someone's face, do not write it!

For more information, please refer to's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy .